Hatha Yoga x Yin Yoga & Sound Vibrations

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Hatha Yoga x Yin Yoga & Sound Vibrations

21/07/2024 @ 10:00 - 13:00


FULL MOON RITUAL – FOREST EDITION. A MINI RETREAT – a mini retreat & full body experience by the forest.

Press pause during these busy summer days to ignite your fire and look inwards. This mentally active moon feels expansive.

It can feel emotional too.Nurture the nervous system, take it slow and remember that life is a series of steps, one after the other. There are moments when you can look back at how far you’ve come with wide eyes and amazement, and be wowed at yourself and what you have achieved.

And what we as humans have achieved. We often forget this in between all of our to do lists. Take care of yourself and give yourself some serious credt for navigating this human experience.

I am happy to invite you to a mini retreat in a beautiful open shala by the feet of the forest. A morning dedicated only to yourself, to ignite your fire with a physical practice to then move into the softness of Yin Yoga and sound massages to tune into the answers within. Let yourself be carried by the full moon energy in a gorgeous, blissful setting that could be taken from a retreat centre in Bali.

More information and registration on the event web-page


10:00 - 13:00


Burgrain 37
Meilen, 8706 Switzerland
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